
sugarcane ['ʃʊgəˌkeɪn]  [ˈʃʊɡɚˌken] 

sugarcane 基本解释



sugarcane 网络解释


1. 甘蔗:17世纪,当哥伦布发现了甘蔗(SUGARCANE)后,随后出现了朗姆酒. 朗姆酒的主要原料是甘蔗,也可以说是用制作蔗糖废弃的浮滓及泡滓为主,加入糖蜜及蔗汁和其它副产品,经发酵,蒸馏取酒的,根据种类不同,有些需要在橡木桶中陈酿,有些则不需要贮存,

2. 蔗:甘蔗(Sugarcane)盛产于热带及亚热带,甘蔗在植物分类上属于单子叶门,颖花群,禾本科,蜀黍族,甘蔗族. 新植甘蔗采用栽种甘蔗苗繁殖,栽种后不久即生根,长出许多嫩芽,形成丛状. 收割时仅收割甘蔗茎,将根仍留在土壤内,即宿根,来年,

3. 穴个啃 (穴穴啃啃) 甘 蔗:sugar 穴 个(口中含着为穴) 糖 | sugarcane 穴个啃 (穴穴啃啃) 甘 蔗 | fee 费 费

4. 甘蔗/糖蔗:sugar-coated /糖衣/ | sugarcane /甘蔗/糖蔗/ | sugarcoat /糖衣/裹以糖衣/使甜蜜/

sugarcane 单语例句

1. They were brought to Cuba more than 160 years ago to replace the African slave laborers in sugarcane plantations after the slave trade was banned.

2. sugarcane的翻译

2. An Indonesian Air Force helicopter burst into flames after crashing into a sugarcane plantation yesterday, killing the pilot and critically injuring another person on board.

3. Luo was later sent to a hospital for treatment while Huang was detained by police, who found Luo's penis in a field of sugarcane.

4. Sugarcane producers are moving into rare scrubland habitats in Brazil, and soya farmers are ripping up the Amazon rain forests.

5. Sugarcane grows in abundance in the Panyu District, nicknamed " Capital of Sugar ".


6. But " we have to increase the production of sugarcane ", he said.

7. Both Guangxi's sugarcane cultivating area and its output account for more than half of the country's total.

8. They have spread from dry paddy fields to uncultivated sloping lands and sugarcane fields, said the statistics.

9. sugarcane

9. Protest organizers denounced foreign investment in the vast sugarcane fields that are used to produce Brazil's ethanol.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

10. The toads were imported from South America to Queensland in 1935 in a failed attempt to control beetles on sugarcane plantations.

sugarcane 英英释义



1. tall tropical southeast Asian grass having stout fibrous jointed stalks
    sap is a chief source of sugar

    Synonym: sugar cane Saccharum officinarum

2. juicy canes whose sap is a source of molasses and commercial sugar
    fresh canes are sometimes chewed for the juice

    Synonym: sugar cane
