
suburbia [səˈbɜ:biə]  [səˈbɜ:rbiə] 

suburbia 基本解释



suburbia 网络解释

1. 郊外:被旧金山州立大学录取,但之后决定追随自己的梦想,于是背着行李回到洛杉矶开始自己的表演生涯,最终他在一部名为<<郊外>>(Suburbia)的话剧中担当主演,在其中饰演一个嗜酒成性的懒鬼.

2. 郊外/郊外风俗:suburbanite /郊区居住者/ | suburbia /郊外/郊外风俗/ | suburbize /市郊化/

suburbia 词典解释

1. (新闻用语中通常作为总称)郊区
    Journalists often use suburbia to refer to the suburbs of cities and large towns considered as a whole.

    e.g. ...images of bright summer mornings in leafy suburbia.

suburbia 单语例句

1. The web has morphed into a vast virtual suburbia to which many of us have retired to stare idly at each other's lives.

2. By the time they follow up the work and tie up all these loose ends, suburbia may truly become a nice abode and getaway for all.

3. In 2006, she played former prime minister Margaret Thatcher in the TV drama Pinochet in Suburbia.

4. So, it's time for officials to expand their attention and crack the whip here in suburbia.

suburbia 英英释义



1. suburbanites considered as a cultural class or subculture

2. suburbia的解释

2. a residential district located on the outskirts of a city

    Synonym: suburb suburban area
