
subscribers [səbsk'raɪbəz]  [səbsk'raɪbəz] 


subscribers 基本解释
用户;订阅人( subscriber的名词复数 );<英>定期捐款者;消费者;
subscribers 网络解释


1. 用户:068万,其中仍以ISP付费拨接用户为最大宗,高达5,220万;就成长率而言,则以卫星上网户达52%,DSL用户的29.7%为最显著根据TR'S Online Census统计自ISP业者提供的数据显示,今年第二季美国家庭网路用户(subscribers)约达7,068万,

2. 订阅者:活动的仿真对象还维护了一个订阅者(subscribers)词典,对其动作感兴趣的其他对象可以进行登记. 仿真对象会调用这些订阅者的ReceiveEvent方法来通知他们,并由消息的接收者决定是立即还是消极处理这个消息. 在前一种情况下,

3. 认股人;(公司债)应募人:Subscribed capital stock 已认股本(同上条) | Subscribers 认股人;(公司债)应募人 | Subscription book 认股薄;应募公司债薄

4. 捐款人:subschema /子模式/ | subscribers /捐款人/ | subscript /下标/写在底下的/写在底下的数字/

subscribers 单语例句

1. " About 1 million new subscribers join our website every month, " Reardon says in a statement to China Business Weekly.

2. If cable and satellite TV providers can hang on to more subscribers, broadcasters can then demand more money from them to carry their stations on the lineups.

3. The country's cable TV subscribers reached 187 million by the end of last year, of which digital TV users were 88 million.

4. Cable television subscribers in the Fengtai and Chaoyang districts of eastern Beijing could not tune into cable television programmes on Saturday morning.

5. But most Beijing's cable television subscribers have not even seen what digital television is like.

6. Among the current 10 million CDMA subscribers accessible to mobile phone live broadcasts, 4 million are more active than others.

7. All the imported films will be put into the Youku premium content library, charging subscribers 15 yuan per month or 5 yuan per view for random visitors.

8. The move follows a government circular in 2008 to promote telecom reform, and allow subscribers to freely switch networks to boost competition in favor of minor players.

9. IPTV refers to TV broadcasting services based on Internet protocol, under which subscribers to the services can watch TV on a computer screen.

10. subscribers的翻译

10. Adding the standard would almost double Apple's access to existing mobile services subscribers able to get the iPhone through a contract with a Chinese carrier.
