
suborn [səˈbɔ:n]  [səˈbɔ:rn] 





suborn 基本解释



suborn 网络解释

1. 唆使:fibrous structure 纤维状组织 | suborn 唆使 | paintbox 绘具箱

2. 以贿赂或非法手段获取;贿买:subordinatestation 副港 | suborn 以贿赂或非法手段获取 贿买 | subornation 使人作伪证 贿赂他人作伪证

3. 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等):suborner 唆使者,唆使发假誓者 | suborn 唆使,贿赂,使发假誓(或作假证等) | to flex muscle 显示力量

4. 使作伪誓/唆使/怂恿/收买:suboriferous /汗腺/ | suborn /使作伪誓/唆使/怂恿/收买/ | subornation /收买/

suborn 双语例句

1. Beshrew me much, Emilia, I was, unhandsome warrior as I am, Arraigning his unkindness with my soul; But now I find I had suborn'd the witness, And he's indicted falsely.

2. If you want to suborn me, i'm afraid of you bark up the wrong tree.

3. He makes glaring errors if he thinks he may suborn me.

4. If you want to suborn me, i'm afraid you want someone wrong.


5. I'm afraid, you have got the wrong person if you try to suborn me.

6. Even now, you seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.


7. They suborn witnesses to testify that he has spoken against Moses and the Temple.

8. He was charged with conspiracy to suborn witnesses.

9. You seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.

10. If he thinks that he can suborn me, he is grievously in error.


11. If he thinks he can suborn me, then he makes a big mistake.

12. This part of the case with the crime of obstruction of the provisions of testimony in the " witness ", " violence, threats and suborn and other methods, " " directs others to commit " and " perjury " has the meaning discussed.


13. Meanwhile, refuted the reward forensics is synonymous with suborn the witness, and reward forensics is trap forensics two erroneous views.

14. This part of the case with the crime of obstruction of the provisions of testimony in the " witness ", " violence, threats and suborn and other methods," " directs others to commit " and " perjury " has the meaning discussed.


15. Criminal Law 307th provides that: the use of violence, threats, suborn perjury and other methods of instruction, three years in prison.

suborn 英英释义


1. suborn的翻译

1. induce to commit perjury or give false testimony

    e.g. The President tried to suborn false witnesses

2. procure (false testimony or perjury)

3. incite to commit a crime or an evil deed

    e.g. He suborned his butler to cover up the murder of his wife
