struggle on

struggle on [ˈstrʌɡl ɔn]  [ˈstrʌɡəl ɑn] 

struggle on 基本解释


struggle on 网络解释

1. 挣扎下去:struggle back 挣扎着逃跑 | struggle on 挣扎下去 | struggle 竞争

2. 斗争下去:walk on 走着直着 | struggle on 斗争下去 | work on 继续工作

3. 挣扎求存 /生存:bravely 勇敢地 | struggle on 挣扎求存 /生存 | supply sb sth 给某人提供某物

struggle on 词典解释

1. 勉力维持;在困难中坚持
    If you struggle on, you continue doing something rather than stopping, even though it is difficult.

    e.g. Why should I struggle on to please my parents?...
    e.g. The rest of the world struggles on with its perpetual problems, poverty and debt.

struggle on 单语例句

1. Her dying moments were caught on a video viewed by millions online, and she became an icon in the opposition's struggle.

2. struggle on的解释

2. The nomination puts Koehler at the center of fresh attacks on Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's economic record and his struggle to trim costly social programs.

3. struggle on的翻译

3. One officer was slashed on the chin with a knife wielded by the suspect during the struggle.

4. But it was a different story for the national team which continued to struggle on the international stage and made more and more fans disappointed.

5. struggle on的反义词

5. The main function of sports on the international stage is international exchanges, not the struggle for each country's honor.

6. No signs of a fight or struggle were found on Xue Hongfu's body or at the spot where he died.

7. From then on, " ethnic struggle " has become a card that turns them invincible in any election.

8. You have to put together three great matches from the quarters onwards, but I sometimes struggle to hang on.

9. Its first half is a vivid immigrant tale, capturing the everyday struggle of living on the Lower East Side.

10. She said that although she has a job, it is still a struggle to put food on her family's table.
