strong suit

strong suit [strɒŋ sju:t]  [strɔŋ sut] 

strong suit 基本解释
strong suit 网络解释

1. 特长:ily):父母 特长(Strong Suit):音乐(唱歌、吉他、作词、作曲)、体育(篮球、短跑:校100米、 400米 第一名)、表演 嗜好(Hobbies):睡觉、上网、逛街 对自己的评价(Appraise):性格庸懒、真诚、勇敢、活泼、幽默、富有爱心 座右铭(Motto):one for all,

2. 优点:优等生名单/class list | 优点/strong suit | 优良名单/white list

3. 强套(强花色):strong no trump 强无将 | strong suit 强套(强花色) | suicied squeeze 自杀挤牌法

strong suit 单语例句

1. strong suit的解释

1. The cafe is done in Japanese style but soup is its strong suit, complemented by delicious desserts.

2. As the Legal Assistance Center of Xiacheng District has offered to help, she finally felt strong enough to go through the divorce suit.

3. strong suit

3. His strong suit remains foreign policy, especially his handling of terrorism.

4. Bush's strong suit continues to be his handling of foreign policy and terrorism, an area in which he modestly improved his ratings since April.

5. strong suit什么意思

5. When one or two banks begin doing that, others would be under strong pressure to follow suit.

6. Polls indicate Iraq and the war on terrorism are the president's strong suit.

7. strong suit的近义词

7. Local media dubbed the IOC decision a " crisis for Japan's strong suit ".

8. " We have a strong suit of products globally that extends across the major asset classes, " he said.


9. Access to commercial capital is noted to be Hong Kong's strong suit in the report, bolstered by robust equity market financing and foreign direct investment.

strong suit 英英释义


1. strong suit

1. an asset of special worth or utility

    e.g. cooking is his forte

    Synonym: forte long suit metier specialty speciality strong point strength

2. a long suit including high cards
