strive for

strive for [straiv fɔ:]  [straɪv fɔr] 

strive for 基本解释

strive for的翻译

动词求; 谋求; 奋斗,争取; 讲求

strive for 网络解释

1. 为...而奋斗:confer honorable awards on 授予...光荣称号 | strive for 为...而奋斗 | a city of severe water shortage 严重缺水城市

2. 为 ...... 而努力:22.a sound attitude 一种正确的态度 | 23.strive for为 ...... 而努力 | 24.bookworm 书呆子

3. 寻找:look at 看望,注视 | look for 寻找 strive for | look into 调查

4. 奋斗:strive against 反抗 | strive for 奋斗 | strive 努力

strive for 单语例句

1. He thanked China for its special contribution to Cambodia's national reconciliation and economic development, and pledged to strive for good relations between the two countries and parties.

2. strive for的近义词

2. University presidents should be allowed and encouraged to strive for this goal rather than get involved in the administrative ladder.

3. He called on Chinese people to be on guard against conceit and rashness and to continue to strive for new achievements.

4. strive for的意思

4. Our pharmaceutical factory abandoned outdated ideas and strive for greater development in the market economy with the concerted efforts of all the staff.

5. strive for

5. It called for efforts to strive for a situation where family is in concord, society is in harmony and the world is peaceful.

6. We were conditioned to strive for instant gratification in our jobs and our lives.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. Their appeal is for human beings to strive to live in harmony and not conflict with nature.

8. " China's curling team will strive for a medal in Vancouver in three years'time, " said Li.

9. strive for的意思

9. Today the leaders will sign several documents on new projects they will work on, and release a declaration on what they should strive for in the future.

10. I understand people have to strive for success and have no time to attend to every single detail of their lives.
