string up

string up [striŋ ʌp]  [strɪŋ ʌp] 

string up 基本解释


string up 网络解释

string up

1. 吊死某人;把...挂起来:stretch out 伸展;伸手拿... | string up 吊死某人;把...挂起来 | struggle against 与...作斗争,和...斗争

2. 兴奋:string tie 蝶形领结 | string up 兴奋 | string 字符串

3. 装绳:爆震倒扣 string shot backoff | 装绳 string up | 线状绕制用聚丙烯 string wound polypropylene

4. 穿钢丝绳:井架安装绞车winch | 穿钢丝绳string up | 死绳固定器dead line anchor

string up 词典解释

1. -> see string 8


2. 吊死
    To string someone up means to kill them by hanging them.

    e.g. Guards rushed into his cell and strung him up.

string up 单语例句

1. Light a couple of lanterns and string them up in the courtyard or balcony for good measure.

2. string up是什么意思

2. Ivanovic has climbed up to her present lofty position with a string of impressive results since May 2007.

3. A string of bombings and shootings blamed on militants killed at least a dozen election workers in the run up to the presidential vote.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. Fans are hoping Klinsmann can shake up the team after a string of lackluster results.

5. Holmes said the sniper suspects stayed with him three or four times during the six months leading up to last October's string of sniper shootings.

6. After a string of emails, the duo eventually met up and developed a relationship.

7. string up的近义词

7. Three blasts were heard late Wednesday outside the building where the suspect in a string of killings in southern France was holed up.

8. string up

8. The government has stepped up security again following a string of grenade attacks in Bangkok, including a blast at a bus stop in July that killed a man.

9. The top continued to spin on the end of the stick and then he pitched it up and caught it on his string bow.

string up 英英释义

string up


1. string up的翻译

1. add as if on a string

    e.g. string these ideas together
           string up these songs and you'll have a musical

    Synonym: string


2. kill by hanging

    e.g. The murderer was hanged on Friday

    Synonym: hang
