string together

string together [striŋ təˈɡeðə]  [strɪŋ təˈɡɛðɚ] 

string together 基本解释
string together 网络解释

1. (把事实)连贯起来:string sb. along [美俚]骗人; 使人等待, 吊人胃口 | string together (把事实)连贯起来 | string up [口]勒死, 吊, 挂起; 紧张

2. 由...串联:put out扑灭(火) | string together 由...串联 | take away 取走

string together 单语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. Once again Bayern were dreadful in midfield, rarely managing to string together more than a couple of passes.

2. They couldn't handle the Brazilian pressure and could barely string two passes together to get their possession game going.

3. string together的翻译

3. But in returning to a locale where she had a fair amount of success, she might be able to string together enough wins to get her swagger back.

4. Has the game to trouble any of the world's top players but needs to string more victories together at big events.
