strike home

strike home [straik həum]  [straɪk hom] 

strike home 基本解释

切中要害; 取得显著的效果; 击中要害,中肯

strike home 网络解释


1. 击中要害:strike fire 打火 | strike home 击中要害 | strike in 插嘴

2. 使受致命伤 取得预期效果 使清楚认识到:strike from 从...中划掉 | strike home 使受致命伤 取得预期效果 使清楚认识到 | strike in 突然插嘴; 干涉; (疾病)内攻

3. 命中:stride vi.大步走,跨 | strike home 命中 | strike off 取消,抹去

strike home 单语例句

1. If Chinese automakers hope to strike it big in this green gold rush, they need to look to their home market.

2. They are the targets of both foreign and domestic companies that are ambitious to strike home in the country's digital imaging market.

3. strike home

3. This is not so much to strike down the home prices as to make our tax system fairer.

4. They expected the measures could give a hard strike on real estate speculation and drag down the home prices.

5. The strike occurred hours after a Palestinian rocket struck a home in southern Israel.

6. Officials from Indian Home Ministry said the attacks are being viewed as a terror strike.

7. The theory that I drink too much coffee certainly hits home, as does the theory that acne is likely to strike at any time.

strike home 英英释义


1. refer to or be relevant or familiar to

    e.g. I hope this message hits home!

    Synonym: hit home strike a chord strike a note
