strike down

strike down [straik daun]  [straɪk daʊn] 

strike down 基本解释

打倒,撞倒; 打翻

strike down 相关例句

strike down的反义词


1. He struck the guard down with his fist.

strike down 网络解释


1. 击倒:strike back 回击 | strike down 击倒 | strike fear into 感到害怕

2. 驳回:1.State Indemnity 国家赔偿 | 2.Strike down 驳回 | 3.Sidestep 回避

3. 击倒;打倒;杀死;取消:stick down 放下;记下;用胶水粘住,用别针别上 | strike down 击倒;打倒;杀死;取消 | take down 放下;记下;拆除

4. 把....打倒在地,打死:strike back 反击,回击 | strike down 把....打倒在地,打死 | strike through 划掉,划破

strike down 词典解释

1. strike down的意思

1. 摧垮;使病倒;使丧命
    If someone is struck down, especially by an illness, they are killed or severely harmed by it.

    e.g. Frank had been struck down by a massive heart attack.
    e.g. ...a great sporting hero, struck down at 49.
           在 49 岁时因病逝世的一个了不起的体坛英雄人物

2. 废止,取缔,终结(非法的法律或规定)
    If a judge or court strikes down a law or regulation, they say that it is illegal and end it.

    e.g. The Supreme Court today struck down a law that prevents criminals from profiting from books or movies about their crimes.

strike down 单语例句

1. They will try to wear down the US army and lighten the pressure of direct strike on Baghdad.

2. All these boil down to one thing, namely how to strike a balance between economic growth and fiscal austerity.


3. Israel's powerful Histadrut labor union launched a general strike yesterday, stopping international flights and shutting public services after talks with the government broke down.

4. strike down的反义词

4. One survivor said he and another worker escaped the shed after they saw six others inside the shed knocked down by the lightning strike.

5. This is not so much to strike down the home prices as to make our tax system fairer.

6. strike down的意思

6. The strike has shut down production on many TV series, had a growing effect on movie production and idled many industry workers.

7. strike down的解释

7. The Supreme Court's Monday decision did not strike down the Chicago ban.

8. strike down的解释

8. In the session, troops from the two countries coordinated to strike down a terrorist base.

9. A fairly common view is that the government should introduce measures to strike down housing prices so they become affordable.

10. Because when he came across confrontation, he just let them strike him down!

strike down 英英释义



1. strike down的反义词

1. cause to fall by or as if by delivering a blow

    e.g. strike down a tree
           Lightning struck down the hikers

    Synonym: fell drop cut down

2. cause to die, especially suddenly

    e.g. The disease struck down many young men in the village

3. declare null and void
    make ineffective

    e.g. Cancel the election results
           strike down a law

    Synonym: cancel
