
stridulation [ˌstrɪdʒə'leɪʃən]  [ˌstrɪdʒə'leɪʃən] 

stridulation 基本解释


stridulation 网络解释

1. 鸣声:stridulate 发出尖声 | stridulation 鸣声 | strife 斗争

2. 摩擦音:stridulating sound 摩擦音 | stridulation 摩擦音 | strigose 被硬毛的

3. 摩擦發音:striding gait 雙腳步行 | stridulation 摩擦發音 | strike valley 縱谷

4. 尖锐的声音:stridulation 磨擦声 | stridulation 尖锐的声音 | stridulation 尖锐的声音

stridulation 双语例句


1. But the rhythmical mean period, numbers of single stridulation of the SSG and the...

2. From October, 2005 to September, 2006, 16 different kinds of stridulation of the Soul's Barwing were recored during its breeding and non-breeding seasons, of which there were 14 kinds of the male's calls and 10 of the female's calls.
    2005年10月~2006年9月录制了灰头斑翅鹛繁殖期和非繁殖期的16种鸣声,其中雄鸟鸣声有14种,包括:3种休息时鸣声,3种跳跃、飞行时鸣声,1 种报警鸣声,1种求救鸣声,1 种营救鸣声,1种恫吓鸣声及4种鸣唱。

3. By analyzing the recorded stridulation in the VS-99 pronunciation work-station, in the Yangchen Company in Beijing, we drew the Oscillogram and Broad Band Spectrogram.

4. Pale arboreal American cricket noted for loud stridulation.

5. Studies on Stridulation File Teeth of Crickets (Orthoptera: Grylloidea)

6. Design and Implementation of Stridulation of Pest in Stored Grain Coding and Decoding

7. Morphology of the motor neurons of the antagonistic muscles in crickets stridulation

stridulation 英英释义



1. a shrill grating or chirping noise made by some insects by rubbing body parts together
