1. 对方名 查看别人的对局库:side 桌号 双方换边 | stored 对方名 查看别人的对局库 | tell 轻诉
2. 已存储:STORE AS 存储为 | stored 已存储 | Stored 已存储
3. 存信息的:store-and-forwardswitchingcenter存储转发交换中心 | stored存信息的 | storedatroomtemperatureindaylight贮藏于温室光照下
4. 已存储的:store option 保存选项 | stored 已存储的 | stored data 已存数据
1. Some of the fireworks fell on a cache of fireworks stored in front of their home and triggered a series of explosions.
2. The Honghua hydropower station has stored 500 million cubic meters of water, which can greatly dilute the cadmium concentration.
3. " We have to establish a financial value for the carbon stored in standing forests, " said Ginn.
4. So it seems that fleas leap by channeling stored energy down to the tips of their legs.
5. Many chemical materials were stored inside the Zhang residence, police said.
6. Water used to extinguish an earlier fire in the warehouse mixed with chemical materials stored there and produced toxic smoke.
7. As keepers tried to woo Judy back into her cage, she rummaged through a refrigerator where chimp snacks are stored.
8. The images are stored in the pen on a memory chip like those found in digital cameras.
9. The firefighters traced the smog to a warehouse where about 3 kg of chlorine dioxide powder was stored.
10. Treated sludge is often stored in ponds where the water eventually evaporates, leaving behind a largely safe red clay.