1. 一文不值的:stone-blind 完全盲目的 | stone-broke 一文不值的 | stone-cast 短距离
2. 身无分文, 一文不名:dead broke 身无分文, 一文不名 | stone broke 身无分文, 一文不名 | stony broke 身无分文, 一文不名
3. 一文不值的, 身无分文的:stone-blind 完全盲目的, 全瞎的 | stone-broke 一文不值的, 身无分文的 | stone-deaf 完全耳聋的, 耳朵聋的
1. Jill wanted to go to the movies but she was stone-broke.
2. Though the writer was alomst stone-broke, he was going on writting yet.
3. Put on the dog 摆架子、妄自尊大 be stone-broke 身无分文 Ideals are like stars --- we never reach them, but like mariners, we chart our course by them.
Schurz 人之需要理想,犹如水手之需要星辰;星辰虽不可及,但可以指引我们的航程。——舒尔茨