stone boat

stone boat

stone boat 双语例句

stone boat

1. Ancient Boat wood are more a hundred years old trees, mainly Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland's wood, such as Catalpa wood.

stone boat的翻译

2. American expat Jonathan Ansfield and his wife run the Stone Boat.

3. We can see clearly the hold of this stone boat

4. In the temple, there are some historic relics such as Huirui Spring, Stone Boat, Yuchuanshi and Dasheng Tower is one of the famous ancient towers in Jiujiang.

5. Then we have to get off to places such as car Tianzishan, by the Tianzishan, we will be seeing Taiwan, where there are 48 generals, but also to see the Bay Shentang the door, He Long and then we went to the park, see Is riding a plane and drive a tank, and then saw the bronze statue of He Long and his horse, he also held the hands of the tobacco root (hear that he is different from the baby) after going down to see where the stone boat to the sea There are wonderful flower pen, samurai horse trainer, fossil turtles, cloud Qingyan......

6. Ling qu sides scenic boat to play (the latest admission is 60), a number of cultural relics within the scenic area, champion bridge, doumen, four-yin Temple, flying stone, Hua mouth, size, balance, balance, and Qin culture sluice Square, the scenic area also has a relic of World War II the United States Flying Tigers Memorial Hall.

7. Build scene method to basically have: 1, dig a lake to pile mountain, model landform, decorate billabong of river river lake, monarch diameter builds a road, create landscape situation; 2, build building, stage, booth, cabinet, hall, house, a small room, a pavilion or house on a terrace, corridor, bridge, boat, a screen wall facing the gate of a house, wall the building facilities such as door of path of wall, stair, Deng, scene, create building situation; 3, fold big pool of rockery, strange peak, hole, Wei Ya with block build by laying bricks or stones, create rockery situation; 4, decorate valley, mountain stream, riprap, onflow, create mountain stream situation; 5, bluff of megalith of load one's writing with fancy phrases, come down in torrents of pilot a ship into a harbour and below, create chute situation; 6, set shallow water small pool by landform, build stone hill fountain, put in a suitable place to breed view and admire fish, lotus of cultivated carry on one's shoulder, Lu Di, flowers and plants, build Shui Shijing; 7, with different combination, decorate community to line and season photograph change or highlight the stance of isolated tree in order to reflect Lin Ji, or clip is arboreous, those who make have all sorts of pattern, create situation of flowers and trees.

8. When we were clearing up ancient mines at that time, a kind of trencher was discovered under the well, which was like modern panning bucket. They looked like a boat, or a gold ingot, or a long strip. Under the well, there were also stone pestle and stone mortar.

9. Boat to become a star, has to undergo a period of cocoon into a butterfly, the evolution of turn stone into gold.

10. I could tell when a boat passed and I could hear the wood pylons creaking, and I lay my head against the stone and felt the house sway in the water as if we were not beside it but planted in it, which of course we were.


11. For a quiet time, Stone Boat, Aperitivo and Luga's/Pho Pho, Nanjie (to watch the craziness of the street below), Lugar, and Suzie Wong.


12. The mud public baths locates inside the Yangshuo southern moon village bodhisattva rock, the bodhisattva mountain cave is the Yangshuo is the biggest with most underground river water mountain cave, the hole is long bout 6 kilometers, cutting through 8 mountains, the milk stone strange form stands up like a forest, the crystal basin pond spreads all over, the entrance to cave can paddle boat about 300 meters, can also trip water, swim and jump into water, catch fish shrimp, can also play Ba to wash a mud bath, mud public baths very big, can play mire heartily, be on returning to play a kid, find back don't the kid of the true

stone boat

13. There it is the East Sea isle group where thousands of isles have been gathering since time immemorial, and, there, it is the East Sea boat group that have been attracting ships and boats since the Stone Age.

14. Ancient Boat wood are more a hundred years old trees, mainly Mesua ferrea, stone vertebral, Queensland's wood, such as Catalpa wood.

15. It is more a five-day Test than Twenty-20; more gourmet meal with mature cheese and vintage wine than McDonalds; more epic than haiku; more stone than weatherboard; more Mahler than Kylie; more ocean liner than speed boat.

stone boat

16. On some days life kept pace withthe gondola, as we nosed through the side-canals and the boatman uttered his plaintive musical bird-cry of warning; on other days, with the speed-boat bouncing over the lagoon in a stream of sun-lit foam; it left a confused memory of fierce sunlight on the sands and cool, marble interiors; of water everywhere, lapping on smooth stone, reflected in a dapple of light on painted ceilings, of a night at the Corombona palace such as Byron might have known, and another Byronic night fishing for scampi on the shadows of Chioggia, the phosphorescent wake of the little ship, the lantern swinging in the prow and the net coming up full of weed and sand and floundering fishes; of melon and prosciutto on the balcony in the cool of the morning; of hot cheese sandwiches and champagne cocktails at the English bar.
      黑发梅林小法师长相可爱,金发亚瑟王子也还不错,王女有几分像Keira Knightley,Heroes中的画家Issac摇身一变成为和亚瑟同龄的兰斯洛特骑士。设定完全颠覆经典。剧情一般,服装道具场景等也因为经费关系做的很粗燥。无奈剧中几个小弟看上去十分水灵养眼,所以我也不计较,继续看下去了。

17. Among them boat or cuneiformed cores and stone tools such as long scrapers with round edges, engravers and adze-shaped blades are found largely.

18. A stone man crashed down into the boat.

19. You are made to feel you are there, moving through these places, looking up at the sky or down at the ground, and pausing to examine more closely a particular stone, boat or building.


20. Quyuan see their country invaded, 含恨have voted Miluo River Stone died after the death of Qu Yuan, Chu abnormal grief people, this day each year have flocked to the river bank to pay Qu Yuan, in May of each year so there will be a dragon-boat race初五, tzu eat, drink hsiunghuang wine, the custom of hanging wormwood.

stone boat 单语例句

1. The Stone Boat is a big concave stone which resembles a boat.

2. This eclectic yet friendly Thai eatery is the latest venture of Amy Li, manageress of Stone Boat Cafe.

3. A megalithic stone boat in the village center serves as the locals'shrine.

4. Shi Fang is a stone boat in the river of Ri Tan Park, surrounded by trees and grass.

5. The Stone Boat Bar could hardly present more of a contrast to daily life in Beijing.

6. It is a brick and stone structure in the shape of a covered boat.
