1. Eventually, returns would probably have fallen to a level in-line with the stodgier universal banks anyway.
2. Over the past three years, hedge-fund returns have paled against those of buy-out firms andeven against stodgier stockmarket benchmarks.
3. Six months ago some observers were predicting the return to the US in some form of the Glass-Steagall Act, whose abolition in 1999 broke down the walls between investment banks and their stodgier deposit-taking cousins.
半年前,一些观察家预计,美国将会恢复实施某种形式的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-Steagall Act)。1999年该法案的废除,打破了投资银行与更为古板的存款机构之间的界限。