
stipulate [ˈstɪpjuleɪt]  [ˈstɪpjəˌlet] 







stipulate 基本解释




stipulate 相关例句



1. He stipulated payment in advance.

stipulate 网络解释

1. 规定:take effect 生效 | stipulate 规定 | pie in the sky 吃不到的画饼

2. 规定,保证:1736. stifle t. 使窒息, 抑制 i. 窒息, 闷死 | 1737. stipulate . 规定, 保证 | 1752. stud n. 大头钉, 钮扣, 饰纽, 柱头螺栓, 马群 . 用饰纽装饰, 散布

3. 规定;约定:prudent:慎重的 | stipulate:规定,约定 | clique:小集团

4. 规定,订定:intangible asset 无形资产 | stipulate 规定,订定 | transportation 交通运输

stipulate 词典解释

1. 规定;明确要求
    If you stipulate a condition or stipulate that something must be done, you say clearly that it must be done.

    e.g. She could have stipulated that she would pay when she collected the computer...
    e.g. International rules stipulate the number of foreign entrants.

Clifford's only stipulation is that his clients obey his advice.
stipulate 单语例句

1. With regard to business scope, the Regulations stipulate the scope for business of foreign exchange and RMB.

2. stipulate的近义词

2. The policies stipulate that foreign investors cannot buy property unless they set up a branch in the country.

3. Related Chinese laws stipulate acquisition of any piece of arable land larger than 70 hectares must be approved by the Ministry of Land and Resources.

4. This law should stipulate the responsibility of the police, the medical institutes and other departments in case of a domestic violence report.

5. Some colleges even stipulate that students cannot obtain the diploma upon graduation without the English grade test certificate.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Economic theories stipulate that money should chase spots of highest return, and Yang is poised at the curve of high growth and high return.

7. stipulate在线翻译

7. They stipulate that individuals need to open separate clearing accounts for settlement and checking purposes.

8. stipulate的近义词

8. The new rules also stipulate that medical fees incurred during childbirth or miscarriage would be covered by the maternity insurance fund.

9. CIRC released draft rules on its website last week for public consultation that stipulate insurance institutions will be coded on a permanent basis.

10. State food additive standards generally stipulate that hydrogen peroxide can only be used to disinfect raw milk and dry soybean curd products.

stipulate 英英释义



1. make an oral contract or agreement in the verbal form of question and answer that is necessary to give it legal force

2. specify as a condition or requirement in a contract or agreement
    make an express demand or provision in an agreement

    e.g. The will stipulates that she can live in the house for the rest of her life
           The contract stipulates the dates of the payments

    Synonym: qualify condition specify

3. stipulate

3. give a guarantee or promise of

    e.g. They stipulated to release all the prisoners
