
stipe [staɪp]  [staɪp] 

stipe 基本解释

名词菌柄; 柄,叶柄

stipe 网络解释

1. 菌柄:担子果伞形,由菌盖(pileus)和菌柄(stipe)组成(图10-20). 菌盖腹面为辐射排列的薄片状菌褶(gills). 有些种类的菌柄上有菌环(annulus),是担子果的内菌幕破裂时形成的膜质结构. 即有些种类的幼担子果在菌盖边缘和菌柄相连有一遮盖菌褶的薄膜,

2. 柄:海带的孢子体分成固着器(holdfast)、柄(stipe)和带片(blade)三部分. 固着器呈分枝的根状;柄不分枝,圆柱形或略侧扁,内部组织分化为表皮、皮层和髓三层;带片生长于柄的顶端,不分裂,没有中脉,幼时常凸凹不平,内部构造和柄相似,

3. 笔石枝:infragenicular wall 膝下腹缘 | stipe 笔石枝 | multiramous rhabdosome 多枝笔石体

4. 柄/叶柄/菌柄:stint /节制/ | stipe /柄/叶柄/菌柄/ | stipel /小托叶/

stipe 单语例句

1. The frond spike arises from the base of the leaves with its own stipe.

2. stipe的解释

2. One of Stipe's heroes was Smith, the bohemian poet who straddled the hippie and punk rock eras.

stipe 英英释义



1. supporting stalk or stem-like structure especially of a pistil or fern frond or supporting a mushroom cap
