
stingy [ˈstɪndʒi]  [ˈstɪndʒi] 




stingy 基本解释


stingy 同义词


形容词closefisted ungenerous miserly cheap

stingy 反义词


形容词generous liberal

stingy 相关例句



1. She tried to save money without being stingy.

stingy 网络解释


1. 啬:在扩展发行公司及其董事信赖义务的问题上,即使是对那些具有权益特征的证券,法庭一直表现一直是吝啬(stingy)的. 甚至是对可转换公司债券的持有人,也只有在其行使了转换权行使之后,发行公司及其董事才承担信赖义务. 另外,对于那些纯粹是可以购买股票的期权

2. 小气鬼:51.Still. 仍然. | 52.Stingy. 小气鬼. | 53.Superb! 棒极了!

stingy 词典解释

1. stingy

1. 吝啬的;小气的
    If you describe someone as stingy, you are criticizing them for being unwilling to spend money.

    e.g. The West is stingy with aid...
    e.g. Winston was not a stingy man.

stingy 单语例句


1. Bush has been stingy during his time in office about granting clemency, but more grants are expected.

2. Chinese teachers tend to be stingy with commendation and are always on the alert for those who are conceited.

3. The problem is that when the wealthy get stingy, it trickles down to the rest of us.

4. Bush has been stingy during his time in office about handing out such reprieves.

5. Some of them could be truly stingy and unwilling to lend a helping hand.

6. It's unfair to call the enterprises and the majority of the public that have never donated stingy.

7. stingy的解释

7. As least, there is more than just this " stingy Shanghainese " perception.

8. The Pistons rebounded from a poor Game Three performance by applying their trademark stingy defense and getting big games from their top offensive players.

9. And to offer wine to someone who knows about wine in a tiny paper cup the size of a thimble is both stingy and silly.

10. stingy在线翻译

10. He sends most of his earnings to his sister - up to 500 yuan a month - while being stingy on himself.

stingy 英英释义


1. deficient in amount or quality or extent

    e.g. meager resources
           meager fare

    Synonym: meager meagre meagerly scrimpy

2. unwilling to spend

    e.g. she practices economy without being stingy
           an ungenerous response to the appeal for funds

    Synonym: ungenerous
