
stigma [ˈstɪgmə]  [ˈstɪɡmə] 


stigma 基本解释


名词烙印; 耻辱,污名; (病的)特征; [植] 柱头

stigma 相关例句



1. Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family.

stigma 网络解释

1. 柱头:花类中药的药用部位 花类中药的药用部位主要包括干燥的单花(flos)、花序和花的一部分.完整的花多数药用花蕾,少部分为开放的花和花序;花的一部分包括柱头(stigma)、花粉(pollen)、雄蕊(stamen)、花冠、花萼(calyx)、总苞(involucrum

2. 汚点:不相信祖先之神祗的人,就会被看作是坏人,看作什么坏事都干得的人,这一污点(stigma)尤其与哲学家分不开. 在这种环境中,苏格拉底看来就不得不在外表上与别人保持一致,就算不是为了他自己,怎么说也是为了哲学. 然而,

stigma 词典解释

1. 耻辱;污名
    If something has a stigma attached to it, people think it is something to be ashamed of.

    e.g. There is a strong argument for remaining an unmarried mother. There's no stigma attached any more...
    e.g. There is very little stigma attached to crime and criminals.

2. stigma的解释

2. (花朵的)柱头
    The stigma of a flower is the top of the centre part which takes in pollen.

stigma 单语例句

1. You'll have a long way to go before you are able to cleanse yourself of the stigma.

2. Although the family code has been changed to allow women to divorce their husbands, there is still a stigma for women whose husbands have left them.

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3. Stigma has been shown to restrict the utilization of preventive programs, and hinder the adoption of preventive behavior like condom use and HIV status disclosure.

4. stigma的翻译

4. Judd noted that she still feels enough stigma regarding pole dancing that she introduces herself to new people as an " aerial artist ".

5. More and more Chinese women are braving shame and social stigma by speaking out about physical and emotional abuse they suffer from husbands or boyfriends.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. Only a fraction of women report sexual assaults due to intense cultural stigma and a tradition of blaming the victim.

7. The World Health Organization is using the occasion to call for an end to stigma against those who suffer from depression and other mental disorders.

8. HIV positive people come top in the hierarchy of stigma, with the price of public service all the more costly.

9. But activists say the true figure may be far higher as social stigma forces many of those infected to keep their status a secret.

10. stigma

10. The fear of social stigma is so deeply ingrained among some parents that they find it impossible to accept their mentally challenged offspring.
