
sticky [ˈstɪki]  [ˈstɪki] 




sticky 基本解释


形容词粘性的; 热湿的,闷热的; 极不愉快的; 不动的

sticky 相关例句



1. This sticky liquid empties slowly.

2. They put me in a sticky position.

3. His fingers are sticky with jam.

sticky 网络解释

1. 粘性的:因为这样的数据有固定位置的特点,也就是说这些数据是一个工作目录下一系列命令操作的 结果, 对于这种情况,我们称这些数据是粘性的(sticky). 在大多数情况下,数据的这种特性是CVS较费解的一面,用户无需考虑过多. 然而,

2. 粘附:许多UNIX系统允许对目录(如/tmp)设置粘附(sticky)位. 这个特性对于处理共享目录是必要的. 没有这个粘附位,所有用户都将对/tmp目录具有写访问权限且能够:

sticky 词典解释

1. 黏性的;涂有黏性物质的
    A sticky substance is soft, or thick and liquid, and can stick to other things. Sticky things are covered with a sticky substance.

    e.g. ...sticky toffee...
    e.g. If the dough is sticky, add more flour...

...the stickiness of her hands.

2. (情况)棘手的,令人为难的
    A sticky situation involves problems or is embarrassing.

    e.g. Inevitably the transition will yield some sticky moments...
    e.g. Her research was going through a sticky patch.

3. (天气)湿热的,闷热的
    Sticky weather is unpleasantly hot and damp.

    e.g. ...four desperately hot, sticky days in the middle of August.
           8 月中旬极其闷热的 4 天

4. 下场很悲惨;死得很惨
    If someone comes to a sticky end or meets a sticky end, they suffer very badly or die in an unpleasant way.

    e.g. Arminius also came to a sticky end, murdered by his own troops.

sticky 单语例句

1. In this undated file photo, a cockroach is trapped on a sticky card in the kitchen.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. Dental caries is an infection caused by plaque, a sticky film on teeth formed from accumulated food debris.

3. Cut the mushrooms into halves or quarters then fry them in the casserole till they go golden and slightly sticky.

4. The pair were seen together in Mexico City for the concluding North American dates of Madonna's'Sticky and Sweet'tour on last Saturday.

5. The baked stuff does not form the same kind of slippery, sticky skin as the cornstarch kind.

6. They can use the cards to withdraw money from rural credit unions in their hometowns, far from the sticky fingers of pickpockets.

7. Don't expect a creepy show, though - only very small insects are trapped and digested by the sticky leaves.

8. They squeezed dark goo into the crevices as the sticky material got on their gloves and clumped at the ends of their putty knives.

9. Instead of using the air conditioners, she makes do with a fan despite the hot and sticky summer climate.

10. They also threw sticky rice balls into the water to feed the fish, attempting to keep Qu's body intact.

sticky 英英释义



1. having the sticky properties of an adhesive

    Synonym: gluey glutinous gummy mucilaginous pasty viscid viscous

2. covered with an adhesive material

3. hard to deal with
    especially causing pain or embarrassment

    e.g. awkward (or embarrassing or difficult) moments in the discussion
           an awkward pause followed his remark
           a sticky question
           in the unenviable position of resorting to an act he had planned to save for the climax of the campaign

    Synonym: awkward embarrassing unenviable

4. hot or warm and humid

    e.g. muggy weather
           the steamy tropics
           sticky weather

    Synonym: muggy steamy

5. moist as with undried perspiration and with clothing sticking to the body

    e.g. felt sticky and chilly at the same time
