sticking point

sticking point [ˈstikiŋ pɔint]  [ˈstɪkɪŋ pɔɪnt] 


第三人称复数:sticking points

sticking point 基本解释

sticking point的近义词

名词症结; 关键; 顶住点

sticking point 网络解释

1. 点:因此在城市吸引力上省域范围内无城市可与抗衡,在区域经济社会流的空间模型中,对首位城市的反磁力(反向心力)的作用在于区域内粘滞点(sticking point)的存在,武汉周边地区正因为粘滞点缺失或粘滞力不足而导致武汉区域极化作用大于辐射带动作用,

2. 关键:sticking plaster 橡皮膏 | sticking point 关键 | sticking 粘的

3. 关键,症结:6)resort n.胜地 | 7)sticking point 关键, 症结 | 8)tariff 关税

4. 症结:Submarine:潜艇 | Sticking point:症结 | Protracted:延长的

sticking point 词典解释
sticking point

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. (讨论或谈判中的)僵持点,障碍;(问题的)症结
    A sticking point in a discussion or series of negotiations is a point on which the people involved cannot agree and which may delay or stop the talks. A sticking point is also one aspect of a problem which you have trouble dealing with.

    e.g. The main sticking point was the question of taxes.

sticking point 单语例句

1. sticking point的意思

1. Aid was the key sticking point, delaying Friday's closing session by five hours.

2. A sticking point in compensation negotiations is that the park wants the airlines to compensate the employees for the park's dismal business after the disaster.

3. A major sticking point has been the future of Futenma airfield, which under the pact would be relocated to a less crowded part of Okinawa.

4. The revision was expected to address specifically the nation's obligations under the Geneva Conventions, a major sticking point with the three Republicans.

5. The main sticking point was the size of the peace force, with Northern Alliance leaders eager to keep the number of foreign troops to a minimum.

6. But he cautioned that the supposed sticking point of Pyongyang's demand for Light Water Reactors, should not be seen as the only thing holding up a deal.

7. The main sticking point then was North Korea's insistence on its right to a civilian nuclear program.

8. sticking point的意思

8. The main sticking point in the negotiations between Brazil and the agency has been about a system to inspect the plant.

9. The MTA did not pull its pension proposal, which Toussaint has said is a sticking point.

10. sticking point什么意思

10. The sticking point was Michigan, where Obama's name was not on the ballot.

sticking point 英英释义


1. a point at which an impasse arises in progress toward an agreement or a goal
