stick in

stick in [stik in]  [stɪk ɪn] 

stick in 基本解释
stick in 网络解释


1. 在家:stick in the mud 陷入泥坑 | stick in 在家 | stick insect 竹节虫

2. 陷进......、困入:sth. stand on end 直立、挺立 | stick in 陷进......、困入...... | stick to 坚持(信念、观点、原则、决定、计划、诺言粘上

3. 卡在某处:stick out 伸出 | stick in 卡在某处 | 49.turn round 转过身来

4. 被固定,卡住,塞住在某处不能移动:air-conditioned adi.装有空调的 | stick in 被固定,卡住,塞住在某处不能移动 | regional adj.整个地区的, 地方地, 地域性地

stick in 单语例句

1. In Taiwan, pig's blood cake is sold on a wooden stick and eaten like ice cream.

2. We must stick to the policy of stimulating domestic demand and implement corresponding macroeconomic policies in light of actual needs.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. A stick of dynamite exploded on the roof of a miners union office, causing the roof to cave in.

4. Most lotions can cause the cilia - the small hairs in a nostril - to stick together and prevent them from removing unwanted substances.

5. Strain through a fine sieve and serve in a bejeweled goblet garnished with an additional cinnamon stick.

6. In a small saucepan combine water, tea bag and cinnamon stick.

7. The Smiths said that when they get their coin back from Guth, they'll stick it in a bank vault for at least a while.

8. Lou said at the opening ceremony the company will operate in a transparent manner and stick to the principle of " commercial operation ".

9. But new rules to protect wooden structures allow every visitor to light only one stick of incense in vessels outside the main compound.

10. stick in

10. Lesson plans here do not consist of stick drawings in the dirt.

stick in 英英释义


1. introduce

    e.g. Insert your ticket here

    Synonym: insert enclose inclose put in introduce

2. insert casually

    e.g. She slipped in a reference to her own work

    Synonym: slip in sneak in insert
