
sterility [stə'rɪlətɪ]  [stəˈrɪlətɪ] 

sterility 基本解释

名词不孕; 不毛; 内容贫乏; 不结果实

sterility 反义词



sterility 网络解释


1. 不育:86.5kb的大单拷贝区(LSC)18.5kb的小单拷贝区(SSC)不育(sterility):一个个体不能产生有功能的配子(gamete)或不能产生在一定条件下能够存活的合子(zygote)的现象.

2. 无菌:监测环境中的非活性颗粒和微生物是一项重要的控制措施,因为它们对达到颗粒物质(ParticulateMatter)和注射(Injections)á1ñ条件下无菌(Sterility)的产品要求来说,都是重要的.

3. 不孕:在女性则有不孕与不育之分: 不孕(Sterility)指没有受孕的能力,即育龄夫妇长期同居,性生活正常,未避孕而未能怀孕;是由于精子或(和)卵子的异常,或生殖道的障碍,不能使精子与卵子相遇、结合而着床.

4. 不孕症:作者 沈阳二0四医院主任医师 副院长 胡淑敏 不孕症(sterility)是指育龄夫妇性生活正常,同居,未避孕,2年内从未妊娠. 不育症(infertility)指女方有过妊娠,但实际上未能生育,均以流产、早产、死胎或死产而结束.

sterility 单语例句

1. The couples staying in this compound all suffer from sterility and have come from all over the country in one final effort for a baby.

2. The mom was surprised by his son's vocabulary he had learned through all kinds of advertisements the hospital made for treating sterility.

3. The study by Professor Lai and his colleagues has been published online in the journal Fertility and Sterility on Friday.

4. At least 1 million of the families suffer sterility due to husbands with low sperm counts or other diseases.

5. Merck recalled the lots after this week identifying a sterility problem in a Pennsylvania factory.

6. According to a recent survey, more than 20 per cent of the couples in Guangzhou are now suffering from sterility.

7. Sun said that only 40 per cent of all sterility cases are caused by genetic diseases.

sterility 英英释义


1. the state of being unable to produce offspring
    in a woman it is an inability to conceive
    in a man it is an inability to impregnate

    Synonym: infertility

2. sterility什么意思

2. (of non-living objects) the state of being free of pathogenic organisms

    Synonym: asepsis antisepsis sterileness
