step on it

step on it [step ɔn it]  [stɛp ɑn ɪt] 

step on it 基本解释


step on it 相关例句

step on it的翻译


1. We'll have to step on it if we don't want to be late.

2. We were late, so we told the taxi driver to step on it.

step on it 网络解释

step on it的翻译

1. 快一點:Go faster.快一點 | Step on it. 快一點 | Go do your homework now.快去做功課

2. 加快速度;赶紧:227. Give another person a break 给予自新的机会 | 228. Step on it 加快速度;赶紧 | 230. Hold one's own 可与...匹敌

3. 開快點:82. I'd like to rent a car one way. 我想租單程車. | 83. Step on it. 開快點. | 84. Valet parking only, sir. 先生,只能代客停車.

step on it 单语例句

1. It can take a significant step toward qualifying for the last 16 if it comes out on top against Celtic.

2. NHK said it is not clear whether he will agree to step down next month or try to hold on longer.

3. step on it

3. Now the government has placed emphasis on administrative reform in its third step when it turned to 2013.

4. step on it是什么意思

4. It showed the principle of advancing democracy step by step and had fully considered the wishes of Hong Kong society on pushing forward constitutional development.

5. It added the nation will also step up efforts to develop substitute energy to cut its dependency on oil.

6. I do it all day, even in the locker room in the minutes before I step on the court.

7. Iranians officials have warned that any Council step to impose sanctions on Iran could drive it out of the NPT.

8. We certainly don't want to step on some people's toes, but it seemed like the Bush twins was the first suggestion that everybody threw out.

9. step on it的意思

9. It also called on its local branches to step up efforts to eradicate false advertising.


10. It is the first step in what could be a long process but it officially puts a trade agreement on both countries'agendas.

step on it 英英释义



1. move fast

    e.g. He rushed down the hall to receive his guests
           The cars raced down the street

    Synonym: rush hotfoot hasten hie speed race pelt along rush along cannonball along bucket along belt along
