1. 速记:事实上,母亲--教师,在他作为国家工作人员的能力范围内,只能假装成的坏妈妈或者伪装者--是,细心地(precisely) ,母亲向你口述,穿过你的耳朵,沿着脐带(cord),远远地传导至你的速记(stenography).
2. 速記術:由于发现了新搭档,亦即我们的速记术(stenography),埃及的字母文字终被证明不是什么终极的和完善的东西,因为这种速记术不仅意味着书写的简化,而且意味着一种新的和高度抽象的交流方式战胜了字母文字.
3. 速记学:rocketry 火箭学 | stenography 速记学 | hydrography 水道学
4. 速记法:stenographic aptitude 速记能力 | stenography 速记法 | step frequency 步数
1. He had made a great contribution to Chinese stenography in his lifetime, and founded the ubiquitous Yawei Steno Schools and popular Yawei shorthand method.
2. Tang Yawei has made great contributions to Chinese stenography in his lifetime.
1. the act or art of writing in shorthand
e.g. stenography is no longer a marketable skill
2. a method of writing rapidly
Synonym: shorthand tachygraphy