steel shot

steel shot [sti:l ʃɔt]  [stil ʃɑt] 

steel shot 基本解释

steel shot的近义词


steel shot 网络解释

1. 钢砂:[摘要]钢砂(STEEL SHOT)俗称铸钢砂(CAST STEEL GRIT)钢砂磨料(STEEL ABRASIVES)、棱角砂是铸铁砂和铁砂的升级替代产品,也称为抛丸磨料、抛丸机磨料、抛丸材料、抛丸...[摘要]韩国硅酸锆珠(CZS)采用精确滴压技术,通过高温烧结而成.

2. 钢丸:钢材 正文: 讷河涂装前的外貌预处理钢丸 泸洲铸件抛丸清算钢丸 钢丸是一种非凡质料经非凡热处理制成的球状颗粒.极佳的热处理控制授予其最佳的弹及抗倦怠.这类钢丸适用于一切领域的喷丸处理,同时也可应用于强化处理. 钢丸产品先容 钢丸(Steel Shot)是一种用特种...

3. 钢粒; 钢丸:Steel Shoe 钢挡板; 钢桩靴 | Steel Shot 钢粒; 钢丸 | Steel Shot Abrasive 钢砂磨粒

4. 钢霰弹:Standing breech 固定式膛口 | Steel shot 钢霰弹 | Stock 枪托

steel shot 单语例句

1. About 120 people wielding steel pipes and knives were ambushed near the mine as their opponents set off explosives and shot at them.
