1. There isnothing more to be said.7Fhe hustle and bustle of the ship'S crewand the fragrant steaminess of the cabin can no longer provide dis·traction. We are silently crowded together and suddenly the invisi-ble web around my desolate heart tightens still more.__--surely itwou ht be better to part a little sooner?
2. There is an iron pot that was hung over the fire. Bubblings and gurglings came forth out of that pot. There was also a vague suggestive steaminess coming out.
points 一口铁锅悬在篝火之上,泡泡和热水从锅里飞溅而出,同时热气也向外四溢。
3. In the baths today, the air is refreshingly clean, free from the suffocating steaminess of ordinary baths.
1. cloudiness resulting from haze or mist or vapor
Synonym: haziness mistiness vaporousness vapourousness