
steadiness ['stedɪnəs]  ['stedɪnəs] 

steadiness 基本解释

名词稳定性; 坚定性; 持续性

steadiness 网络解释

1. 稳定性:Status display 状态显示 0{Bf9cH | Steadiness 稳定性 KGu= ; | Steam STM 蒸汽 =c&62;O

2. 坚定:steadily 稳定地 | steadiness 坚定 | steading 小农场

3. 平滑照相机拍摄的运动画面,或者完全锁定一个画面:ReGrain,添加胶片感觉的颗粒度效果 | Steadiness,平滑照相机拍摄的运动画面,或者完全锁定一个画面 | RigRemovel,消除画面上不需要的前景物体

4. 稳定性,均匀性:steadily 稳定地 | steadiness 稳定性,均匀性 | steadite 斯氏体,磷共晶

steadiness 单语例句

1. And out of that circumstance came a young man of steadiness, calm and a cheerful confidence that life would bring good things.

2. Regarding the steadiness of transition, he said that terrestrial route was more reliable than undersea cables for data transition.

3. He called on Chinese banks to stick to the management principal of " rationality, steadiness and prudence " as there are still uncertainties in the global economy.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. The steadiness of the reform should not be interrupted, he said at the 2004 International Finance Forum Thursday.

5. He said the European markets are quite mature and have their own traits, and their strategy continues to be " seeking speed while ensuring steadiness ".

6. Quickly expanding banks often have to pay a price for a lack of steadiness.

steadiness 英英释义



1. steadiness的翻译

1. the quality of being steady--regular and unvarying

2. the quality of being steady or securely and immovably fixed in place

    Synonym: firmness

3. freedom from wavering or indecision
    constancy of resolve or conduct

    e.g. He trusted her clear steadiness that she would do what she said
