stave off

stave off [steɪv ɔf]  [stev ɔf] 

stave off 基本解释

动词延缓; 避开,挡开,延迟; 暂时挡住; 避开(某事); 推迟(令人不快的事物)

stave off 相关例句

stave off的翻译


1. They staved off a wolf last night.

stave off 网络解释

1. 挡开, 避开:shore up confidence 提振市场信心 | stave off 挡开, 避开, | liquidate assets 资产清算

2. 避开:Roundworm:线虫 | Stave off:避开 | Biochemistry:生物化学

3. 桶板脱落:stave in 撞破 | stave off 桶板脱落 | stave 桶板;(桶

4. 阻挡,延缓:sanitary 有关卫生的 | stew 炖菜 | stave off 阻挡,延缓

stave off 词典解释
stave off的解释

1. 推迟;暂时避开
    If you stave off something bad, or if you stave it off, you succeed in stopping it happening for a while.

    e.g. In a desperate attempt to stave off defeat, he reluctantly promised wholesale reform of the constitution...
    e.g. But the reality of discovery was a different matter, and he did all he could to stave it off.

stave off 单语例句

1. Telephone customers became more important to Cisco as Chambers expanded offerings for phone companies that were upgrading systems to stave off competition from cable providers.

2. stave off的反义词

2. Thailand first floated the idea of rice cartel in 2001 to stave off a shrink in market share caused by higher export price.

3. Zhou lost his sight to a cataract when he was 9, despite his parents'best efforts to stave off the worst.

4. A large mirror and a small window help stave off potential claustrophobia.


5. Governments have spent billions pumping sand onto disappearing beaches and trying to stave off the loss of coastal wetlands.

6. A source with the civil affairs authority of Chengdu says the move is aimed to effectively stave off coercive begging.

7. stave off什么意思

7. Bush to try to stave off recession amid a deepening housing and credit market crisis.

8. Chinese banks are also pushing to issue more credit cards to stave off flocks of Chinese shifting their money to foreign lenders.

9. However the market fluctuated amid talk the US central bank could cut rates soon to stave off a global credit squeeze.

10. Officials urged those returning to wear masks to protect from mold and to properly dispose of spoiled food to stave off vermin.

stave off 英英释义


1. prevent the occurrence of
    prevent from happening

    e.g. Let's avoid a confrontation
           head off a confrontation
           avert a strike

    Synonym: debar forefend forfend obviate deflect avert head off fend off avoid ward off
