
startover [stɑ:r'təʊvər]  [stɑ:r'toʊvər] 

startover 基本解释


[计] 启动

startover 网络解释


1. 使非活性计算机成为活性的程式函数:startmovingmakeamove 动窝 | startover 使非活性计算机成为活性的程式函数 | startsomethingnewororiginalbreakanewpathbreakfreshground 别开生面

startover 双语例句

1. And so I decided to startover.

2. When one makes amistake - pushes the wrong button, for example - will she really startover?


3. Afterthis you will be able to once more post to the forums etc. Should yoube banned again for any reason then just repeat the process and startover again.

4. Transgenic technology provides a new means for rice breeding. Since the startover of transgenic rice projects in 1980s, China has carried out transgenic rice breeding research on every side.

5. The Composition, features, startover, halt and operating condition of double-pipe turbulent flying ash handling system manufactured by Moller Company in Germany have been presented in this paper.
    本文介绍了引进德国MOLLER公司生产的双套管紊流输灰系统的组成、特点、启停等以及应用情况,使用 5年来,效果很好,未出现因飞灰处理系统故障造成机组降出力或停运。
