
starred [stɑ:d]  [stɑ:d] 






starred 基本解释



starred 网络解释

1. 主角:starlit 星光的 | starred 主角 | starriness 满天星斗

2. 有星号的/装饰着星星的:starquake /星震/ | starred /有星号的/装饰着星星的/ | starring /领衔主演/

3. 装饰着星星的:starquake 星震 | starred 装饰着星星的 | starring 领衔主演

4. 被任命为主角:broadway 大路,马路 | starred 被任命为主角 | critics 评论家,批评家

starred 单语例句

1. starred的解释

1. A Chinese actress once starred in a TV commercial advertising a calcium tablet, and in it she claimed her son has benefited from the product.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. In 1981 she starred in " Cats " and thereby became the first actress to perform the classic song " Memory " - one of her many hit records.

3. She starred alongside comedian Shepard in the 2010 romantic comedy " When in Rome " and more recently in this year's independent film " Hit and Run ".

4. The couple met when they starred together in a television advert for Renault.

5. It follows criticism of cross talk star Hou Yaohua, who starred in 10 fake or unregistered medicine commercials.

6. It took the gunshot death there of a glamorous actress who starred in a cult movie to force him out into the Hollywood spotlight.

7. starred的意思

7. Zhao starred in two commercials that promoted medicines curing coughs and heart diseases.

8. starred是什么意思

8. The actress starred in last year's big Oscar hopeful " Australia, " which failed to dig up any commercial or awards gold.

9. She starred in other movies with large ensemble casts but she said meeting Oscar winner Eastwood still made her quiver.

10. He starred this year in several episodes of the Fox crime drama " The Finder ".

starred 英英释义


1. marked with an asterisk

    e.g. the starred items

    Synonym: asterisked
