star cluster

star cluster [stɑ: ˈklʌstə]  [stɑr ˈklʌstɚ] 

star cluster 基本解释


star cluster 网络解释


1. 星型聚类:中电华星:CE Star | 星型聚类:Star Cluster | 星敏感器:Star Sensor

2. 繁星花:仙丹花Chinese ixora | 繁星花 Star cluster | 金橘 Calamondin

3. 星団:Japanese 準星 quasar | 星団 star cluster | 脉冲星pulsar

star cluster 单语例句

1. Scientists have ruled out the possibility that a star cluster formed far away and somehow migrated near the black hole.

2. star cluster

2. To the naked eye, they are the most visible star cluster in the sky.
