stand firm

stand firm [stænd fə:m]  [stænd fɚm] 

stand firm 基本解释

stand firm

挺立; 表现坚稳; 巍然屹立; 巍然不动

stand firm 网络解释

1. 坚强:A story to live by 演绎人生哲理的故事 | 4 Stand firm 坚强 | Persistence 持之以恒

2. 坚定地站(在):4: no wavering: 坚定不移 | 5: stand firm: 坚定地站(在) | 6: a staunch pillar: 坚强柱石

3. 站稳立场:please:取悅 | stand firm:站穩立場 | eventually:最后

4. 坚定不移; 坚贞不屈:stand fast 不后退; 不让步 | stand firm 坚定不移; 坚贞不屈 | stand for 代表; 主张; 象征; 支持, 拥护 (动)

stand firm 单语例句

1. Berlusconi has denied the charges and his political allies insist they'll stand firm behind him regardless of the court's decision.

2. I also have agreed to disagree with our head coach and I stand firm in my beliefs that it was the wrong decision.

3. The only way to stand firm in this market is to make prior arrangements before any business opportunity slips.

4. stand firm在线翻译

4. They must strive for technological innovation and this is the only way to stand tall and firm on the international market.

5. He repeated China's position by saying the country will " defend " and " stand firm " on the protocol.

6. The big question is whether China can stand rock firm amidst the financial and consequently economic crisis on a global scale.

7. The government's firm stand on prudent fiscal consideration made the tug of war in the lawmaking body even tougher.

8. stand firm的解释

8. For the fashion industry, only fast reaction to trends and market can make a firm stand out.

9. stand firm在线翻译

9. The Chinese government and people must make a firm stand against the speeches.

10. If the WTO is to make good use of its mandate, it should stand firm against protectionism.

stand firm 英英释义



1. refuse to abandon one's opinion or belief

    Synonym: stand pat hold firm stand fast

2. stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something

    Synonym: resist hold out withstand
