
stagnant [ˈstægnənt]  [ˈstæɡnənt] 

stagnant 基本解释


形容词污浊的; 不流动的,停滞的; 不景气的; 迟钝的,呆笨的

stagnant 相关例句


1. During the summer, business is often stagnant.

2. The market is extremely stagnant.

stagnant 网络解释


1. 滞:在城市房地产市场,城市规划加强导致供给弹性越来越小这个新因素加入之后,未来各国城市房地产市场的周期模式(pattern)都大体会是:短期波动引发房价上涨,一旦上涨难以消平,就螺旋式上升,但一旦平稳之后,将长期停滞(stagnant).

2. 停滞:但是这样搞得君主的专制力度就不够大,于是这些贵族身上就最有一种自由、尊严、人格独立完整的精神和意识,是春秋战国人(即先秦人)之所以可爱可敬的原因. 也是黑格尔说中国在结束了春秋战国时段以后,就进入了停滞(stagnant)的原因.

3. (经济)停滞,不发展:staff members职员 | stagnant(经济)停滞,不发展 | stamp duty印花税

stagnant 词典解释

1. 停滞不前的;不发展的;无变化的
    If something such as a business or society is stagnant, there is little activity or change.

    e.g. He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy...
    e.g. Mass movements are often a factor in the awakening and renovation of stagnant societies.

2. (水)不流动而污浊的
    Stagnant water is not flowing, and therefore often smells unpleasant and is dirty.

stagnant 单语例句

1. Yang maintained profit growth in a stagnant PC industry by expanding market share.

2. The government also hoped to activate the stagnant rural financial market by bringing in overseas investors.

3. stagnant的翻译

3. Monti's government will try to push through reforms agreed by Berlusconi with eurozone leaders to cut Italy's massive debt and revive a chronically stagnant economy.

4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

4. I cannot help thinking about the coexistence of the surge of the research papers in China's universities and their stagnant research quality.

5. The stock market and corporate profits are bounding upward, but middle class wages are stagnant or falling when adjusted for inflation.

6. stagnant的近义词

6. Deficit spending can help revive a stagnant economy and help create jobs - currently Bush's biggest problem.

7. It is not the depletion of the labour pool that engineered the current shortage, rather it was caused by the stagnant wage level migrant workers receive.

8. Rice's Iraq visit was a sidelight to a trip otherwise devoted to energizing stagnant peace efforts between Israel and the Palestinians.

9. Japan's retail sales dropped for the first time in 14 months in September as tumbling stocks and stagnant wages discouraged households from spending.

10. They recovered their investments very quickly, and the stagnant real estate market eventually reignited.

stagnant 英英释义


1. not growing or changing
    without force or vitality

    Synonym: moribund


2. not circulating or flowing

    e.g. dead air
           dead water
           stagnant water

    Synonym: dead(a)
