
spruce [spru:s]  [sprus] 









spruce 基本解释

形容词衣着整洁的; 漂亮的

名词云杉; 针枞; 云杉木; 灰绿色或墨绿色

及物/不及物动词打扮; (把…)打扮得整洁漂亮; 把…收拾整洁

spruce 网络解释


1. 云杉:本公司主要代理卑斯省原住民开设木材工厂之优质原木,锯木,木方及木皮.适合各种出口,本销家具,大小木制工艺制品,防腐木,户外或户内建筑用途.西洋杉/雪松/香柏(Western Red Cedar), 黃松(Yellow Cedar), 鐡杉(Hemlock), 云杉(Spruce), 花旗松/黃杉(Douglas Fir),

2. 杉木:提琴背板(back)是由两块枫木(maple)所制成,双拼面板(two-piece belly)则由两块不相称且不同年份的云杉木(spruce)拼板而成. 背板的木头质量极佳,有色彩鲜明而呈波状的虎纹(flame),侧板(rib) 木头的斜线虎纹也相当均匀,与背板极为相称.

3. 云杉木:提琴背板(back)是由两块枫木(maple)所制成,双拼面板(two-piece belly)则由两块不相称且不同年份的云杉木(spruce)拼板而成. 背板的木头质量极佳,有色彩鲜明而呈波状的虎纹(flame),侧板(rib) 木头的斜线虎纹也相当均匀,与背板极为相称.

4. 针枞:根据这个原则,很多种常绿树植物,像松树、针枞(spruce)、道格拉斯枞(Douglasfir)、落叶松(larch)等,除了来自美国的,都不准带进加拿大来水果方面,除非来自美国,不然一样寻常都不克不及携带入境这包括了苹果、杏(apricot)等常见的水果,

spruce 词典解释

1. 云杉;花旗松
    A spruce is a kind of evergreen tree.

    e.g. Trees such as spruce, pine and oak have been planted.
    e.g. ...a young blue spruce.

2. (人)整洁漂亮的
    Someone who is spruce is very neat and smart in appearance.

    e.g. Chris was looking spruce in his stiff-collared black shirt and new short hair cut.

相关词组:spruce up

spruce 单语例句

1. In addition to the heavy casualty toll, it destroyed more than 200 homes and flattened evergreen spruce forests.

2. Jiangxi MCC and Hong Kong CSL Limited have chosen Nokia to spruce up their networks.

3. The easiest way to spruce up a dull and uninviting room is to place some flowers around it.

4. In order to spruce up the setting, management is hosting a rickshaw photo contest until the end of July.

5. spruce的翻译

5. Beijing has previously enacted extraordinary measures to reduce the chances of protest or spruce up the grimy capital's appearance.

6. In response, hotel owners have been keen to open more units and spruce up their image.

7. This month Shanghai hosted the World Toilet Expo and Forum in hopes of getting advice on how to spruce up its loos.

8. The designs are appealing to Chinese consumers and most cannot restrain the impulse to buy something to spruce up their own apartments a la Ikea.

9. spruce什么意思

9. He has also purchased new machinery and hired designers to spruce up his product line.

10. They searched the area and spotted the skeleton hanging about 11 meters up, near the top of the spruce tree.

spruce 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. any coniferous tree of the genus Picea

2. light soft moderately strong wood of spruce trees
    used especially for timbers and millwork


1. dress and groom with particular care, as for a special occasion

    e.g. He spruced up for the party

    Synonym: spruce up slick up smarten up

2. make neat, smart, or trim

    e.g. Spruce up your house for Spring
           titivate the child

    Synonym: spruce up titivate tittivate smarten up slick up spiff up


1. marked by up-to-dateness in dress and manners

    e.g. a dapper young man
           a jaunty red hat

    Synonym: dapper dashing jaunty natty raffish rakish spiffy snappy
