1. 准星及效果文件目录:PODBot - PodBot机器人的文件夹 | sound - 声音文件目录 | sprites - 准星及效果文件目录
2. 开镜,开火效果等:SPYRAS:个性喷漆 | SPRITES:开镜,开火效果等 | TEXTURES:一些纹理(做地图用)
3. (动画/精灵):Palettes (调色板) | Sprites (动画/精灵) | .PPU Details (图形处理器细节)
4. 效果程序:save存储程序 | sound声音程序 | sprites效果程序
1. It's the Smurfs - " blue goblins " or " blue sprites, " as they were named in Chinese - I'm talking about.
2. sprites
2. The dance ushered in a golden age with a world of moonlight and ethereal sprites.
3. Both families claim that when the Sprites were opened, they were full of carbon dioxide.
1. atmospheric electricity (lasting 10 msec) appearing as globular flashes of red (pink to blood-red) light rising to heights of 60 miles (sometimes seen together with elves)
Synonym: red sprites