






splits 基本解释
劈叉;分歧;划分( split的名词复数 );裂缝;分裂;分开;裂开, 破裂( split的第三人称单数 );离开;
splits 网络解释

1. 劈:在这节目里,舞者飞快地展现锁(lockin)与指(pointing)这些动作,并且不时伴著手(hand slaps)与劈(splits)的技巧来诠释己独特的风格. Don创始了「Campbellocking」这样的即兴舞蹈并不断地让它更具风格.

2. 劈腿:这样的舞步于它的附属文化很快的就向外蔓延并掀起一阵狂热,还促成了当时一个人称Soul Train的新兴电视节目. 在这节目里,舞者飞快地展现锁(lock)于指(point)这些动作,并且不时伴着拍手(clap)与劈腿(splits)的技巧来诠释自己独特的风格.

3. 劈叉:头倒立 headstand | 劈叉 splits | 分腿 straddle

4. 并幅布:split-volute-case pump 剖分式旋涡泵 | splits 并幅布 | splitter 分裂器

splits 单语例句

1. Added next is a special material called a cleavage agent, which splits the virus into smaller pieces.

2. splits

2. The domino effect means that if an immediate friend or colleague splits up, your own chance of divorce increases by 75%.

3. splits的解释

3. Both were invented by master mixer Michael Brown, who says roughly equal sales of the two drinks mirrors splits in the electorate.

4. splits是什么意思

4. The central obstacle is that during the development of a cloned embryo the genetic material which is parcelled up as a cell splits in two.

5. The older theory is fission, in which the fertilized egg partially splits.

6. splits

6. The fertilized egg splits into two or more embryos during the first stage of development.

7. splits的反义词

7. Ensminger still splits his time working as an engineer, and says that background comes in handy in the kitchen.

8. The rehearsal room falls silent when Yu balances on her partner's head with her legs extended in vertical splits.

9. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

9. The choreographed routine rehearsed Thursday ends with Dru on the floor in the splits and was met with applause from students and teachers.

10. Then she unfolds her legs and moves them into the splits before stretching her arms in an arc above her head.
