
spiritism ['spɪrɪtɪzm]  ['spɪrɪtɪzəm] 

spiritism 基本解释


spiritism 网络解释

1. 招魂术:这样一来,对下述情况几乎可以不容怀疑,即现代催眠心理学(hypnotism-psychology)再次表现出它的招魂术(spiritism)的翻版. 千里眼(clairvoyance)和传心术(telepathy)的魔力在其中扮演了可疑的重要角色,尽管人们发现一些观察者的心智十分健全,

2. 唯灵论:崔仁翟Trench, R C | 唯靈論Spiritism | 雅典拿哥拉Athenagoras, the Athenian

3. 唯心教:Juche: Juche教 | Spiritism: 唯心教 | Judaism: 犹太教

4. 表示...学、...术、...论、...法:5. 表示行为、现象 escapism, tourism. Baptism, sexism... | 6. 表示...学、...术、...论、...法 magnetism, spiritism, pedagogism, stimulism, exceptionalism | 7. 表示学术、文艺上的...派 modernism, cubism, futuri...

spiritism 双语例句

1. Soon after 1750, however, as occult sciences were ascribed to the Templars, their system was readily adaptable to all kinds of Rosicrucian purposes and to such practices as alchemy, magic, cabbala, spiritism, and necromancy.
    1750年后不久,然而,科学是隐匿归咎於圣殿,他们的系统是易於适应各种Rosicrucian宗旨和这种做法,作为炼丹术,魔术,cabbala ,招魂术和招魂。

2. This is the very claim that spiritism puts forth.


3. Supposedly, and according to spiritism, one's objective is to reach perfection is his earthly life in order for his soul to be able to reach the next stage of evolution, do you see that as your goal?
    DO :根据招魂术的观点,一个人的目标是在其俗世生活中至臻完美,如此,他的灵魂才能进化到更高的等级,你认为这也是你的目标麼?


4. Ten of Sir Arthur's sixty books are about spiritism.

5. As some body imagination or spiritism, a statue of specific posture is similar to a special individual.


6. Sir Arthur's illness was attributed to his work in Scandinavia last October, when he gave a series of lectures on spiritism.

spiritism 英英释义


1. concern with things of the spirit

    Synonym: spirituality spiritualism otherworldliness
