名词塔尖; 尖塔; 螺旋; [动]螺旋部,(软体动物的)螺塔
不及物动词塔状矗立; 螺旋形上升
1. He could see grimy roofs, factory chimneys and church spires.
1. 尖塔:并要求将孵化所升级为兽穴(LAIR)需要孵化池和尖塔(SPIRE),并要求将孵化所升级为兽穴(LAIR)需要孵化池和女王蜂巢(QUEEN'SNEST)兽穴需要需要孵化池、女王蜂巢、垃圾堆(DEFILERMOUND),
2. 呼吸:从头到尾(per)都呼吸(spire)=perspire(辛苦的),这样一来,这两个单词就记住啦. 咕咕:哈哈,看来爱迪生的词根写的不错啊 点点:是啊. <<旧约>>(Old Testament)里继续说:上帝用泥巴创造了男人,又用男人的助骨创造了女人,
3. 龙塔:与此同时,双方的孵化场都升级到了窝穴(Lair),并着手开始建造龙塔(Spire). 但是Gorush的龙塔比I_love star的快了200点生命值. 这点小差距是由于Gorush先与对手造了气矿. I_love star又孵化了一些小狗然后开始生产飞龙(Mutalisk).
1. (教堂等建筑物顶部的)尖塔,尖顶
The spire of a building such as a church is the tall pointed structure on the top.
1. Documents recently published by Britain's Parliament show that the top of its gilded spire is nearly half a meter out of line.
2. And so the dream of putting some Hong Kong into King Kong's spire was born.
3. With a massive spire inspired by Taiwan's native bamboo plant, the Taipei 101 Tower is among the world's tallest buildings.
4. Looking down at the Jin Mao tower we could see the sparkling lights on it's spire and I will never forget that moment.
5. spire是什么意思
5. The tip of the Burj's spire will be seen for 96 km, developers say.