
spiked [ˈspaɪkt] [spaɪkt] 







spiked 基本解释


形容词有穗的; 成锥形的; 有尖顶的

spiked 网络解释

1. 加入标准的:specific weight 比重 | spiked 加入标准的 | split injection 分流进样

2. 不清楚:barrel 不清楚 | spiked 不清楚 | confont 不清楚

3. 有尖顶的:Petroleum:石油 | spiked:有尖顶的 | seminary:神学院

4. 往. . . 放麻醉药:spiked 往. . . 放麻醉药 | eg:Someone spiked your orange juice.有人在你的橘子汁里放了麻醉药. | eg: What?Someone spiked her cook有人在她的饭菜中放麻醉药?

spiked 词典解释

1. 有尖顶的;装有尖钉的
    Something that is spiked has one or more spikes on it.

    e.g. ...spiked railings.
    e.g. ...spiked golf shoes.

2. spiked

2. (头发)短而竖立的
    If someone has spiked hair, their hair is short and sticks up all over their head.

3. see also: spike

spiked 单语例句

1. But studies have also shown that a skin cream spiked with caffeine lowers the risk of skin cancer in mice.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. Recycled paper and cardboard prices have also spiked, driven in large part by a burgeoning recycled paper export market.

3. Sun was hoping that training with spiked shoes would get underway if his foot was completely healed by the latest medical checkup.

4. spiked的近义词

4. However Kim admitted the celebrations were nearly ruined when she cut her foot on her new spiked Christian Louboutin shoes before the party.

5. 911查询·英语单词

5. Tension on the divided Korean Peninsula has spiked since the DPRK conducted its second nuclear test on May 25 in defiance of repeated international warnings.

6. danci.911chaxun.com

6. China started out in 2008 with inflation concerns as food and commodity prices spiked, but it ended the year with an unexpected deflation risk.

7. Violence in Afghanistan has spiked in the last two years, and Taliban militants now control wide swaths of countryside.

8. spiked的解释

8. A restaurant in northeast China was caught serving donkey meat spiked with tiger urine in pricey dishes advertised as endangered Siberian tigers.

9. The US was forced to scale back many projects even as they spiked in cost, sometimes to more than double or triple initial projections.

10. Northern Italy is also facing possible water shortages due to lack of rainfall and evaporation has spiked.

spiked 英英释义



1. having a long sharp point
