spermaceti wax

spermaceti wax [spə:məˈseti wæks]  [ˌspɚməˈsiti wæks] 

spermaceti wax 基本解释

spermaceti wax


spermaceti wax 网络解释

spermaceti wax是什么意思

1. 鲸蜡:(3) 鲸蜡(Spermaceti wax)鲸蜡是从抹香鲸、槌鲸的头盖骨腔内提取的一种具有珍珠光泽的结晶蜡状固体,呈白色透明状,其精制品几乎无臭无味,长期露於空气中易***.

2. 鲸蜡,鲸脑油:sperm-rich fraction ==> 浓份精液,多精子部分 | spermaceti wax ==> 鲸蜡,鲸脑油 | spermanucleic acid ==> 精核酸,精子核酸,精子核酸

spermaceti wax 双语例句

1. Made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and castor oil.

2. A cerate made of and wax and spermaceti and castor oil.

spermaceti wax在线翻译

3. A cerate made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and oil.

4. Animal wax es include bees wax; wool wax, used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics; and sperm oil and spermaceti, used as lubricants.

spermaceti wax什么意思

5. Put the oil, spermaceti, and wax, into a well-glazed pipkin, over a clear fire, and when melted, pour in the rose water by degrees, and keep heating, till the compound becomes like pomatum.

6. Take one pound of oil of sweet almonds, one ounce of spermaceti, one ounce of white wax, one pint of rose water, and two drachms of Malta rose or nerolet essence.

7. Animal waxes include beeswax; wool wax, used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetics; and sperm oil and spermaceti, used as lubricants.

8. Animal waxes include beeswax; wool wax, used in pharmaceuticals and cosmetic s; and sperm oil and spermaceti, used as lubricants.

9. A cerate made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and castor oil.

spermaceti wax的意思

10. A cerate made of camphor and wax and spermaceti and castor.
