



过去分词:spelt; spelled

过去式:spelt; spelled

spells 基本解释
拼写,拼读( spell的第三人称单数 );招致;带来;构成单词的字母拼作;
spells 网络解释

1. 魔法:事实上许多魔法(Spells),包括寄生虫(Broodling)和EMP振荡波(EMPBlast),具有非常特殊的作使用,使调整这些兵种的平衡性就简单得多. 当然在游戏alpha测试阶段之前通常应已进行了宏观调整,所以可能随着新功能的增加要重新进行调整.

2. 法术:在西游记这样一个人神鬼怪的世界里, 法术(spells)当然是很要运用法术, 你必须学好基本法术(spells)和一门特别法术,象查询各门各派的技法). 然后还要通过静思冥想(meditate)来增的一点是:一定要把施法强度(enchant)加到最大, 于伤敌护己

3. 免费符咒开关:spells 免费符咒开关 | win 立即获胜 | lose 立即失败

4. 開始雨升級法術:→ Spells:開始雨升級法術 | Meteor:召喚殞石攻擊,對建築物的傷害力兩倍 | Blizzard:召喚暴風雪凍結範圍內的目標一段時間

spells 单语例句

1. The Yangtze River has been regularly affected by dry spells since 2000.

2. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterized by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.

3. Shanghai weather at this time of the year is characterised by long heat spells broken only by short bursts of torrential rain.

4. Witch doctors were invited to cast spells to chase ghosts and demons away.

5. spells的解释

5. Coffee plants require the right mix of temperature, rainfall and spells of dryness for beans to ripen properly and maintain their taste.

6. But there is no law that spells out the control and use of online data.

7. spells的意思

7. And that the wicked queen had a crow to help her cast spells?

8. spells

8. A query about Richie's dizzy spells last month on the set of " The Simple Life " was cut off before she could respond.

9. Since global warming makes droughts worse and more frequent, stemming the rise in the Earth's temperature is vital for preventing such damaging dry spells.

10. spells是什么意思

10. The students began to vomit and experience dizzy spells after having lunch at the school's canteen.
