
speedboat [ˈspi:dbəʊt]  [ˈspi:dboʊt] 


speedboat 基本解释


speedboat 网络解释


1. 快艇:如果岛比较近、提供快艇(speedboat)交通,你可能到了机场后就可以直接去岛上了,但如果比较远、需要坐水上飞机到达(一般下午4:30后就没航班了),而你的航班到达比较晚的话(新航、斯航、非航基本都在晚上10:00后到,东航早上4:30到),

2. 高速游艇:speed-down 减速 | speedboat 高速游艇 | speeder 调速器

3. 高速快艇:speed-voltage generator 测速发电机 | speedboat 高速快艇 | speeder 调速装置;加速器;变速滑车;快速工具

4. 快艇码头:gangfights 帮派火并处 | speedboat 快艇码头 | shoreside lift bridge 跨海升降桥

speedboat 词典解释

1. 快艇
    A speedboat is a boat that can go very fast because it has a powerful engine.

speedboat 单语例句

1. A speedboat was found to take the drugs to a fishing boat bound for Central America and to the United States.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. Frontier guards were tipped off and stopped a speedboat close to Hong Kong.

3. Rescue workers drive a speedboat to a flooded village on Sunday in Nandan county of Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. You can also take an exhilarating speedboat trip to the surrounding islands.

5. The officers seized one speedboat and 45 cartons of geoduck at the scene.

6. Police officers in a speedboat caught up with Tang in no time and brought him back to shore.

7. The " Miami Vice " speedboat overtook the " Pirates of the Caribbean " juggernaut to capture the top spot at the weekend box office.

8. speedboat

8. The speedboat was towed back to Tai Lam Marine Police Base for investigation.

9. The company said 10 armed men attacked the ship and took seven people away on a speedboat.

10. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

10. They squeezed into a speedboat and sailed 17 hours from a remote beach of the county to South Korea on Nov 16.

speedboat 英英释义


1. danci.911cha.com

1. a fast motorboat
