
spectrometer [spekˈtrɒmɪtə(r)]  [spekˈtrɑ:mɪtə(r)] 

spectrometer 基本解释


名词谱仪; 分光计,分光仪

spectrometer 网络解释

1. 分光计:由这类粒子构成的全同粒子系统服从费米-狄拉克统计规律分光计(spectrometer) 一种既能将复色光分解为光谱又能精确测量角度的光学仪器. 主要由平行光管、自准直望远镜(与游标盘相连)和分期原则(principle of dividing period) 物理学史划分时期应遵循的基本原则.

2. 光谱仪:摆脱了传统光学感应仪器的束缚:一个光谱仪(Spectrometer)光谱仪(Spectrometer)实验室仪器/设备,[简介]名称:光谱仪(Spectrometer) 产地:美国 详细信息 仪器介绍 说起在光学感应方面的革新,Jaz?

3. 谱仪:摆脱了传统光学感应仪器的束缚:一个光谱仪(Spectrometer)光谱仪(Spectrometer)实验室仪器/设备,[简介]名称:光谱仪(Spectrometer) 产地:美国 详细信息 仪器介绍 说起在光学感应方面的革新,Jaz?

4. 波谱测定仪:波罗-科普原理 Porro-Koppe principle | 波谱测定仪 spectrometer | 波谱集群 spectrum cluster

spectrometer 单语例句

1. When the two particle beams collide, collision data is detected by a piece of equipment called a spectrometer.

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2. The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer already is collecting 25 million to 40 million cosmic particles a day worthy of analysis.

3. Ting is the principal investigator for the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer project, which is scheduled to be installed on the International Space Station in 2010.

4. By using laser as the light source, the photoelectron spectrometer can observe originally imperceptible activities of electrons with unprecedented high precision.

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5. But Zhou found the precision of the traditional photoelectron spectrometer was less than satisfactory because of the limitation of its light source.

6. Data from the spectrometer instrument on Cassini found bright spots on two regions on Titan.

7. A team from the Paris Observatory analyzed data from a spectrometer aboard a European orbiter, the Venus Express.

8. The analysis method uses a simplified version of a mass spectrometer, a tool that can be used to separate and identify molecules in compounds.

9. The analysis employs a simplified version of a mass spectrometer, a tool that can be used to separate and identify molecules in compounds.

spectrometer 英英释义



1. spectroscope for obtaining a mass spectrum by deflecting ions into a thin slit and measuring the ion current with an electrometer

    Synonym: mass spectrometer
