
specifications [spesɪfɪ'keɪʃnz]  [spesɪfɪ'keɪʃnz] 



specifications 基本解释


名词规格; 载明; 详述; (产品等的)说明书; 说明书( specification的名词复数 ); 详细的计划书; 载明; 详述

specifications 情景对话


B:Is this going to satisfy your requirements ?

A:Actually , it is more than we need .

B:We can give you a little cheaper model .

A:Let me see the specifications for that .


B:We‘d like a chance to bid on this business.

A:We‘ll be taking quotations next month .

B:Will you let us have the specifications ?

A:Sure ,just drop in my office some time and pick them up .

specifications 网络解释

1. 技术参数:产品说明:57mmHB系列三相步进电机 技术参数(Specifications) 型号 Mo产品说明:110mmRB系列三相步进电机 技术参数(Specifications) 型号 Mode

2. 技术条件:(4) 合同技术条件(Specifications)包括图纸(5) 双方代表共同签署的合同谈判会议纪要(Minutes of Meeting)或称合同补遗(Addendum)(4) 合同技术条件(Specifications)包括图纸(5) 双方代表共同签署的合同谈判会议纪要(Minutes of Meetin

specifications 单语例句

1. specifications

1. Insiders said the draft contract specifications have been worked out and circulated to clearing members, commodity brokers and institutional investors for opinion.

2. specifications的解释

2. Industry insiders told China Daily that the draft contract specifications have been worked out and are soliciting opinions from industry experts.

3. These span from elaboration of precise functional specifications over target costing to a wide ranging integration of suppliers into own business processes.

4. The list includes requirements for a donor pigs cultivation center, trials on primates and research specifications made by medical authorities and associations.

5. Some have been found to cut corners in ingredients, while others might have used specifications out of sync with the rest of the world.

6. The store displays more than 100 samples from which you can choose a design to be tailored to your specifications.

7. When architects design a building, they will clearly write on the drawings the requisite steel specifications.

8. specifications的解释

8. The remainder comes through microchip designs and turnkey services that develop initial specifications into packaged and tested chips.

9. The approval of the trading rules and contract specifications is widely seen as having cleared one of the final hurdles in the long preparation process.

10. Contractors failed to install the fireproof doors in accordance with construction specifications, said the report.
