
specially [ˈspeʃəli]  [ˈspeʃəli] 

specially 基本解释

副词特别地; 专门地; 特意地; 格外地

specially 相关例句



1. I came here specially to see you.

2. I came here specially to ask you a question.

specially 网络解释


1. 特别地:specializing 专攻 | specially 特别地 | specialties 专门

2. 特意地;专门地:unable不能的;不会的 | specially特意地;专门地 | fetch拿来;青来

3. 特别地/临时地:specializing /专攻/ | specially /特别地/临时地/ | specialties /专门/特性/特别/

4. 专门地,特别地:specialize 专门研究;专营(in) | specially 专门地,特别地 | specific 特有的,特定的;具体的,明确的

specially 词典解释

1. 专门地;特别地;特地
    If something has been done specially for a particular person or purpose, it has been done only for that person or purpose.

    e.g. ...a soap specially designed for those with sensitive skins...
    e.g. Patrick needs to use specially adapted computer equipment...

2. 特别地;超常地
    Specially is used to mean more than usually or more than other things.

    e.g. Stay in bed extra late or get up specially early...
    e.g. What was specially enjoyable about that job?

specially 单语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. Over 1000 wholesale and company buyers have been specially invited by the Nanjing municipal government.

2. specially什么意思

2. The epic is passed down only by word of mouth among specially designated epic singers called " dong lang ".

3. Air attendants wearing traditional costumes specially designed for the charter flights, tried to create a festive atmosphere by preparing a lot of decorations in the cabin.

4. He electrified some specially designed cages coated with a paint that gave off a fragrant smell to lure rats into the cage.

5. specially

5. Hundreds of specially trained dogs from Italy's corps of canine lifeguards are deployed each summer to help swimmers in need of rescue.

6. specially的近义词

6. You can ride a specially outfitted vehicle where you are kept in captivity while the tigers roam free.

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. The tail of the specially designed 747 freighter swings open for huge payloads that are unloaded using the largest cargo loader in the world.

8. " Make an explicit resolution creating specific negotiations mandated for a specially constructed diplomatic conference, " Evans advised the CD.

9. US companies have printed cigar bands with Obama's smiling face to celebrate his victory, but Ramirez says his specially made cigars are one of a kind.

10. specially

10. The Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee specially held a session to discuss the development and administration of the new media.

specially 英英释义



1. to a distinctly greater extent or degree than is common

    e.g. he was particularly fussy about spelling
           a particularly gruesome attack
           under peculiarly tragic circumstances
           an especially (or specially) cautious approach to the danger

    Synonym: particularly peculiarly especially

2. in a special manner

    e.g. a specially arranged dinner

    Synonym: especially
