
spears [spɪə]  [spɪr] 





spears 基本解释
枪;矛( spear的名词复数 );嫩枝;幼芽;
spears 网络解释


1. 矛:战士又分三类,用矛(Spears)的,用斧(Axes)的,还有一种用mace(权杖)的. 骑士分两类,法师也分两类. 参加游戏者选择一种角色开始,尽量发展那种人物的技能以达到最高的级别. 答:有,正式的组织有帮派(clan)及国家两级. 每13个玩家组成一个帮派,

2. 斯皮爾斯:我们不妨进行这样一个测试:输入斯皮尔斯(Spears)、休斯顿(Houston)、戴普(Depp)、贝克汉姆(Beckham)、布莱尔(Blair)这些姓氏. 很有可能你听说过其中的大部分姓氏,而且也能正确地说出来这些姓氏对应的名字来.

3. 阀门及配件:SealMaster:轴承 | Spears:阀门及配件 | Superior:变压器

4. 长矛:Javalins Winged Harpoon 翼鱼叉 = 7ts | >>>[1]Spears 长矛 | Hyperion Spear 阿里欧克之针-亥伯龙之矛 = 7sr

spears 单语例句

1. Britney Spears is a " very subtle "'X Factor'judge.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. Radio station billboards that featured unflattering photos of a bald, scowling Britney Spears have been taken down after the pop star's attorneys threatened legal action.

3. Add to that the fact that she's about to pop out baby number two, and Spears won't be disappearing from the top of the list soon.

4. Singer Britney Spears donned a cheeky sailor hat, took to the high seas and went cruising - all in her lunch break!

5. spears的翻译

5. Kevin Federline has confessed his marriage to Britney Spears needs work, ahead of the birth of their second child next month.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. Attorneys for Britney Spears and Kevin Federline were back in court Monday in an ongoing custody dispute involving the pair's children.

7. 911查询·英语单词

7. The panel posed at least three questions throughout the day, including a clarification of the charges and what Spears had done to be charged.

8. Both Spears and Federline must complete the court's " Parenting Without Conflict " class.

9. Spears is selling off everything from clothes to her old school work to raise money for her Britney Spars Foundation that helps out needy children.

10. Spears had a meltdown weekend that included shaving her head, tattooing her wrist and clubbing with friends.
