spark off

spark off [spɑ:k ɔf]  [spɑrk ɔf] 

spark off 基本解释
导致, 为…的直接原因;
spark off 相关例句

spark off的解释


1. What sparked off the quarrel?

spark off 网络解释

spark off的解释

1. 导致:spark gap 火花隙 | spark off 导致 | spark plug 激励

2. 引发,诱发:space n .空间,太空 | spark off 引发,诱发 | sparkling adj.亮晶晶的,闪亮的

spark off 单语例句

1. Chinese leaders are trying to cool off a construction boom that they say could spark a financial crisis.

2. Officials said more steps were needed to cool off an economic boom that the Beijing government worries could spark a financial crisis.

3. spark off

3. Zhang added that the development of joint scientific and educational projects would spark off mutually beneficial outcomes.

spark off 英英释义



1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. put in motion or move to act

    e.g. trigger a reaction
           actuate the circuits

    Synonym: trip actuate trigger activate set off spark trigger off touch off
