spare no effort

spare no effort [spɛə nəʊ ˈefət]  [spɛr noʊ ˈɛfət] 

spare no effort 基本解释


不遗余力,尽力去做; 卖劲儿; 竭尽; 卖力

spare no effort 网络解释

1. 不惜血本,不计代价:Don't talk back to your parents. 别跟父母顶嘴 | 29. spare no effort 不惜血本,不计代价 | 30. Would you cut it out, already? 你到底是有完没完

2. 不遗余力:spare hand 替班工人 | spare no effort 不遗余力 | spare no pains 不遗余力

3. 不遗余力,尽力:14. guarantee to do sth. 保证...... | 15. wind one's way 蜿蜒前行 | 16. spare no effort 不遗余力,尽力

4. 不惜一切努力:174:spare no cost 不惜一切代价 | 175:spare no effort 不惜一切努力 | 176:stop at nothing 不惜一切手段

spare no effort 单语例句

1. spare no effort

1. That was why Premier Wen Jiabao asked rescuers to " spare no cost and effort " in saving as many people as possible.

2. spare no effort的翻译

2. I spare no effort in my work, but still found it hard to cope with the various cases cropping up everyday.

3. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

3. These people spare no effort to sabotage the government and cannot wait to force Leung out of office because they despise his patriotic position.

4. The three evils would spare no effort to exploit whatever ordinary disputes between the ethnic groups and rear their ugly heads.

5. spare no effort的翻译

5. If loopholes appear, we will spare no effort to probe and find the truth.

6. He reiterated that all parties should keep a clear mind on the tough situation and spare no effort to guarantee power supplies.

7. Cleo said he would spare no effort to play in the Champions League even if there is little hope.

8. We have urged the Colombia authority to spare no effort to carry on the rescue work under the premise of guaranteeing the safety of hostages.

9. She said the health authority will be very cautious and spare no effort to strengthen preventative work against the virus.

10. spare no effort什么意思

10. City leaders said they will spare no effort to develop Shuangyashan into the largest coal and electricity production center in Heilongjiang.
